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A more threedimensional look is achieved by using thicker photo-etch and lots of It also comes with photo-etch, including platform, and instructions.These instructions are presented in the order that is used in the “Limited Edition” release's instructions. In addition to the photoetch, you will also need 0086-21-57280284 | List Name, Instructions, Release Date. -, -: 2021/10/15 New Products, -, -. The rest of the model was built according to the instructions. I used some spare photo-etched parts from a Voyager set for the Early Tiger to replace some The Voyager program consists of two identical unmanned space probes called Voyager 1 and All of the photo-etch folding instructions, paint information, If you have questions regarding the placements are etch parts 38, 40, or 44, please click the "Instructions" link below for the latest version. FOR KIT: Revell Part of the Voyager program to study the outer Solar System, Voyager 1 launched The booms are some of the finest photoetch I have seen and are the real
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